My first dive


When we first got in the water my mask was a little leaky because I didn’t realize you have to be careful with the hood or straps end up askew.
Got that fixed and we head over to the bow. My cousins were great about telling me what to expect in terms of bottom environment, dive time, etc.
I especially appreciate my cousin’s last words before descent, despite all the training: Brian, we’re gonna be at 30 feet. If the @#$% hits the fan, just surface .


So we head down the anchor line, and things are great. The viz was about 10 ft. and the temp was about 50. They immediately start lobster hunting while I just kind of check things out. I was surprised that we didn’t see any fish for the whole dive, save for some very small ones. I was semi-impressed by the huge crabs and giant starfish, as well as the old lobster traps and kelp-covered rocks. I just sort of kicked around and kept pretty close to my buddies. They landed about 4 smallish bugs.

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